Case Report

Discussion of Breast Atrophy in One Case


  • Tufan Egeli
  • Fatih Taşkesen
  • Murat Okudan
  • Zülfü Arıkanoğlu

Received Date: 23.01.2012 Accepted Date: 13.07.2012 Eur J Breast Health 2013;9(4):215-217

Breast atrophy can occur due to various reasons and it may be a cosmetic problem for women. The main etiological factors are hormonal insufficiency, hormonal axis suppression, virilizing tumors, and the use of anabolic hormones. In all of these conditions both two breasts are affected and atrophy is bilateral. Atrophy, hypoplasia, agenesis or other developmental disorders in only one of the breasts are more rare. However, several examples can be found in the literature. Occurence of atrophy in one of the breasts after bilateral normal development is quite rare. In this paper we present a young female patient whom we examined owing to shrinking in her right breast.

Keywords: Breast disorders, atrophy